Loan Application

Individual Credit: You must complete the “Applicant” section about yourself and the “Other” section about your spouse if:

  1. you live in or the property pledged as collateral is located in a community property state (AZ, CA, ID, LA, NM, NV, TX, WA, WI),
  2. your spouse will use the account, or
  3. you are relying on your spouse’s income as a basis for repayment. If you are relying on income from alimony, child support, or separate maintenance, complete the “Other” section to the extent possible about the person on whose payments you are relying.

Joint Credit: If you are applying with another person, complete the “Applicant” and “Other” sections.

Guarantor: Complete the “Other” section if you are a guarantor on an account/loan.

If you are not currently a member, please  CLICK HERE  to review membership eligibility and account opening prior to applying. Prefer to complete Manually? Download Application

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